The Combined Plan Program with Other Affiliated Colleges

There are more than one hundred affiliated liberal arts colleges, including those at Columbia, in which a student can enroll in a Combined Plan program leading to two degrees. Each college requires the completion of a specified curriculum, including major and degree requirements, to qualify for the baccalaureate from that institution. Every affiliated school has a liaison officer who coordinates the program at his or her home institution. Students interested in this program should inform the liaison officer as early as possible, preferably in the first year, in order to receive guidance about completing program requirements. Applicants from nonaffiliated schools are welcome to apply.

Visit the Undergraduate Admissions for a complete list of affiliated schools, admission application instructions, and curriculum requirements for Combined Plan program admission. Please note that no change of major is allowed after an admission decision has been rendered.

Information regarding the 4-2 Master of Science program can be found here.